
ChemLock Exercises

Task type
Increase your resilience
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ChemLock wordmark. Know your chemicals. Lock in your security posture.

CISA's ChemLock exercises and drills can help a facility with dangerous chemicals, that has a security plan in place, to identify best practices, lessons learned, and areas for improvement in plans and procedures. These exercises may also inform future planning, technical assistance, training, and education efforts.

ChemLock Exercises Flyer (PDF, 185.89 KB )

Request a Facilitated Chemical Security Exercise

Facilities can request CISA expertise in facilitating a live tailored tabletop exercise. To request a live exercise, please fill out the ChemLock Services Request Form below.

Request CISA's Assistance with an Exercise

CISA will initiate several short planning meetings with the requestor to determine the best fit for the facility. Live exercises can run between 2 to 6 hours depending on the complexity and needs of a facility.

After the exercise or drill is complete, CISA will help the facility develop an after-action summary to help facilities evaluate the effectiveness of the security measures tested during the exercise or drill.

Conduct Your Own Exercise

In addition, CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages (CTEPs) assist stakeholders in conducting their own exercises.

Learn more about ChemLock Exercise Packages


For questions, please contact the ChemLock program at