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2022 Year in Review
Highlighting Key Milestones and Accomplishments

Protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure is foundational to our national security. That critical infrastructure includes everything from healthcare, water, and education to chemical, transportation systems, telecommunications, energy, and much more. And it’s under constant risk from a wide array of threats. That makes CISA’s work to understand, manage, and reduce risk to the cyber and physical infrastructure that Americas rely on every hour of every day so important.
In that context, we’re pleased to share our 2022 CISA Year in Review which lays out the tremendous work by our teammates and partners over the past year. Organized around the four goals outlined in our Strategic Plan, it highlights key achievements toward our vision of ensuring secure and resilient critical infrastructure for the American people.
This year’s report is organized around the four goals outlined in the 2023-2025 CISA Strategic Plan, which clearly lays out our mission and vision and sets the path for where we will prioritize our efforts over the coming years, and, importantly, how we will measure our performance, with a focus on outcomes, not just activity. Peruse below to see what we did last year and follow us on social media for updates to follow along this year!
Download the CISA 2022 End of Year Report
Cyber Defense
In our role as America’s Cyber Defense Agency, CISA works to build the national capacity to defend against, and recover from, cyber intrusions. This includes working with federal partners to bolster their cybersecurity and incident response postures and safeguard the federal civilian executive branch networks that support our nation’s essential operations. Learn more about how we led the national effort to ensure defense and resilience in cyberspace.
Risk Reduction and Resilience
The nation’s safety and security depend on the ability of critical infrastructure to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and to withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions. CISA works to proactively reduce risk to infrastructure and systems while also building our stakeholders’ capacity to safeguard their infrastructure from these risks. Learn more about how we reduced risks to and strengthened the resilience of America's Critical Infrastructure.
Operational Collaboration
Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do at CISA because securing our nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure is a shared responsibility. Every day, CISA is actively working with our government, industry, academic, and international partners to move toward more forward-leaning, action-oriented collaboration and we do so with humility, transparency, gratitude, and a firm resolution to add value wherever possible. CISA is also committed to growing and strengthening the agency’s regional presence to more effectively deliver the assistance our stakeholders need. Learn more about how we strengthened the whole-of-nation operational collaboration and information sharing.
Agency Unification
Foundational to our success, the agency is unifying as One CISA through integrated functions, capabilities, and workforce. The agency is building a culture of excellence based on core values and core principles that prize teamwork and collaboration, innovation and inclusion, ownership and empowerment, transparency and trust. Learn more about how we worked to unify as one CISA throughout integrated functions, capabilities and in the workforce.