Spotlight On
Discover the most pressing issues CISA is tracking, current directives you should be aware of, and campaigns we’ve launched to further our mission.
Featured Campaigns

Secure Our World
Secure Our World is a cybersecurity awareness program aimed at educating individuals and businesses on four easy ways to stay safe online.

People's Republic of China
CISA works to ensure U.S. critical infrastructure, government partners, and others have the information and guidance to defend themselves against Chinese State-Sponsored cybersecurity risks.

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Secure by Design
It’s time to build cybersecurity into the design and manufacture of technology products. Find out what it means to be secure by design and secure by default.
Current Campaigns

As the nation’s cyber defense agency, CISA stands ready to help organizations prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks. Visit Shields Up to learn more.

68 of the world’s leading software manufacturers to voluntarily committed to CISA’s Secure by Design pledge to design products with greater security built in.

To help improve cybersecurity within the HPH sector, CISA, HHS, and the HSCC Cybersecurity Working Group are working together to deliver tools, resources, training and information that can help organizations within this sector.

The Water and Wastewater cybersecurity toolkit provides resources to enable Water Sector stakeholders to assess vulnerabilities and implement solutions.

Malicious cyber actors target K–12 education organizations with potentially catastrophic impacts on students, their families, teachers, and administrators. This CISA report helps schools reduce the risks of a cyber catastrophe.

As the nation’s cyber defense agency and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, CISA will play a key role in addressing and managing risks at the nexus of AI, cybersecurity, and critical infrastructure.

As the National Coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, CISA stands ready to help America prepare for and adapt to changing risk conditions and withstand and recover rapidly from potential disruptions, regardless of cause.

Open source software is part of the foundation of the digital infrastructure we all rely upon. Find out how CISA is working to help secure it.

At CISA, our commitment to cybersecurity isn't just about technology; it's about the human experience. Learn More about Cybersecurity Emotions.

Adversaries target K-12 education systems due to the extensive data kept on school networks, often without proper protection. CISA is focused on working with the K-12 education sector to help schools protect themselves against cyberattacks.
Previous Campaigns
- #Protect2024
Our Mission: Help election officials and election infrastructure stakeholders protect against the cyber, physical, and operational security risks to election infrastructure during the 2024 election cycle. View #protect2024
- Emergency Communications Month
Emergency Communications Month honors the nation’s emergency responders and communicators, emphasizing the importance of emergency communications and the need to work together in building resilient critical infrastructure.
- 2023 Year In Review
The CISA Year in Review report is a comprehensive view of our journey, the milestones we've achieved, and the lessons we've learned in 2023.
- Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a dedicated month for the public and private sectors, and tribal communities to work together to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.
- Holiday Online Shopping
While millions of Americans will be looking for the best deals the internet has to offer, cyber criminals will be hard at work looking to target online shoppers.
- 2022 Year In Review
The 2022 CISA Year in Review highlights the key achievements of our teammates and partners over the past year toward our vision of ensuring secure and resilient critical infrastructure for the American people.
- More than a Password
MFA is a layered approach to securing your online accounts and the data they contain.