
Analyzing Cyber Risk with the CDM Agency Dashboard ES-5 (CDM111)

9:00 AM EDT – 5:00 PM EDT
Location type
Arlington VA
Event type

You are invited to attend the Analyzing Cyber Risk with the CDM Agency Dashboard ES-5 (CDM111) course on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. 

This training is geared toward the Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies; attendance will be restricted to attendees from these agencies (https://cyber.dhs.gov/agencies/). 

This two-day, in-person course explores the features of the current CDM Agency Dashboard version ES-5 such as Data Quality Reporting, STIG information, FISMA Metrics, Summary Reporting, and other capabilities.   

There are 10 hands-on lab activities in the current CDM Agency Dashboard version ES-5, which include identifying the top risks to your network by using CVEs, targeting legacy software, and identifying unmanaged devices; the AWARE 1.5 Supplemental scoring algorithm to prioritize mitigation activities; monitoring the Identity and Access Management capability status of those with access to the network; create filters, unique queries, and produce tailored status reports.  


  • [CRITICAL] Student Technical Check: Approved registrants must attend the mandatory virtual student technical check the day before the event to establish a connection to the course content and lab environment.  


  • Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023. 

  • Time: 9:00 AM EDT – 5:00 PM EDT 

  • Location: IN PERSON – Arlington, Virginia 

  • CPE Credits: Participants can earn 12 CPEs by attending this two-day course in its entirety and participating in the lab activities. 

  • Attendee Requirements: This is a hands-on event. Attendees must bring a government-issued computer or personal computer to participate in this training.   

If you require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this virtual event, please contact cyberinsights@cisa.dhs.gov at least five business days prior to the training with the type of support you need.