
Facility Security Committee Seminar - Region 7

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. CT
Location type
Event type

CISA and the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) invite you to participate in the ISC Facility Security Committee (FSC) Seminar. This seminar will walk the FSC member, or supporting representative, through FSC procedures and responsibilities as well as provide the tools and resources (formal plan or policy related templates) needed to have an effective and compliant FSC. In addition, this seminar will allow participants to interact with seasoned FSC members in a panel discussion format.


  1. Discuss operation of a functioning and compliant FSC to make risk-based and resource-informed decisions for the facility.
  2. Guide FSCs in the implementation of security operations and administration criteria in accordance with the ISC Risk Management Process Standard (RMP), Appendix Countermeasures. Specifically, assist in developing and administering countermeasures, policies, and procedures related to security oversight and life safety and emergency procedures.
  3. Provide best practices of an FSC agenda, minutes, and charter templates.
  4. Define Risk Mitigation and Acceptance criteria along with how to convey agency decisions on security measures and funding for their agency.
  5. Review the ISC Compliance Benchmarks for multi-tenant facilities.
  6. FSC panel discussion (Chair, Tenant, Security Organization, Owning/Leasing Authority).

Additional Information

Who Should Participate:
  • FSC Chairs, Tenants, and Alternates
  • Security Organizations
  • Leasing Agents (GSA) 
  • Security Funding Authorities
  • Designated Officials
Recommended Prerequisites include: 
Questions regarding the Seminar or registration can be directed to:

ISC Regional Advisor for Region 7, Joseph Lang: joseph.lang@cisa.dhs.gov