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NICE Conference & Expo

Location type
Seattle WA
Event type

JoinCISAat NICE Conference & Expo!

CISA is exhibiting and speaking at the NICE Conference & Expo on June 5-7, 2023, in Seattle, WA. This three-day event will feature speakers from CISA, government and industry partners, presentations and exhibit hall.

The conference will offer a half-day of targeted workshops followed by two full days of insights from experienced thought leaders from education, government, industry, and non-profits who are addressing cybersecurity’s education, training, and workforce needs.

About the Conference

Expo Hours

Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM  PT 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PT 

Information Table

We are conveniently located in Westin Seattle, near Grand Ballroom 1, at information table number six.

Agenda – Day One – Monday, June 5, 2023

Exploring Gamification for Cybersecurity Education, Training, and Workforce Development

1:00- 2:00 p.m. PT Room: Westin Seattle, 5th Avenue, 4th floor.

Speaker(s): Austin Cusak, (CISA). Kevin Garvey, (SANS Institute). Lynn Dohm, (WiCyS). Calvin Nobles, (Illinois Institute of Technology).

Agenda – Day Three – Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Rethinking Government Hiring

8:15-9:15 a.m. PT Room: Westin Seattle, Grand Ballroom 2&3, 4th Floor

Speaker(s): Dr. Elizabeth Kolmstetter, (CISA)Paul Bingham, (Western Governors University)

Additional Resources

NICE Framework

The NICE Framework, is a nationally focused resource to help employers develop their cybersecurity workforce. It establishes a common lexicon that describes cybersecurity work and workers regardless of where or for whom the work is performed. 

Cyber Career Pathways Tool

The tool depicts the Cyber Workforce according to five complementary, skill communities. It highlights core attributes among the 52 work roles and offers actionable insights for employers, professionals, and those considering a career in Cyber.