
Region 9 Strengthens Ties with Partners in Hawaii


Region 9 leadership and staff spread some aloha recently when they traveled to Hawaii to foster key relationships with their Pacific Island partners.

Regional Director David Rosado and Deputy Regional Director Frank Calvillo met with key stakeholders and partners from U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Coast Guard, FBI, Defense Information Systems Agency, National Security Agency, Hawaii Office of Homeland Security, and the Hawaii Energy Office. The central theme of all the meetings was the importance of collaboration and information sharing.

Region 9 Deputy Director Frank Calvillo (center) and Regional Director David Rosado (right) meet with Hawaii Office of Homeland Security Administrator Frank Pace (left).


The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary provided an area familiarization overflight for RD Rosado, who was visiting Hawaii for the first time since becoming Region 9's regional director in June. The flight highlighted the unique geography of the Hawaiian Islands and the criticality of the harbors and ports on Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and Maui.

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary pilot John Manganaro (far right) provided (left to right) PSA Brian Keith, PSA Gen Tamura, RD David Rosado an area familiarization flight over the Hawaiian Islands. The flight highlighted the unique geography of the Hawaiian Islands and the criticality of the harbors and ports on Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and Maui.


Los Angeles-based Protective Security Advisor (PSA) Brian Keith and Honolulu-based PSA Gen Tamura used the Infrastructure Visualization Platform (IVP) to conduct assessments of Hawaii Telecom, the Hawaii State Library and the Honolulu Museum. When conducting security assessments of different infrastructures, PSAs use the IVP to document approach and exit routes, use of lighting, visible and hidden entrances, loading docks, and parking garages. The IVP supports critical infrastructure security and response operations by integrating high-resolution, interactive visual data, as well as additional assessment information with existing site floor plans. This information is used to assist stakeholders in training, planning, and making informed incident preparedness and management decisions about their facilities. The visit to Hawaii allowed PSA Keith to provide hands-on training using the IVP system to both PSA Tamura and PSA James Cruz.

On Sept. 9, Regional Training and Exercise Coordinator Melynda Moran hosted a tabletop exercise with more than 100 local, state and federal partners. The scenario involved a drone dropping an improvised explosive device (IED) on the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu. Participants, which included the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Defense, Federal Aviation Administration, Coast Guard, FBI, Hawaii Office of Homeland Security, Honolulu Police Department, Japan Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines, among others, role-played how they would respond to such an incident. The exercise tested the group's capabilities for information sharing, emergency response plans, operational coordination, communication, and coordination between private and public sector responders. PSA Keith shared a new vulnerability tool with the exercise participants, and Regional External Affairs Officer Sherri Eng led a breakout session on media training and a mock press conference for the TSA Federal Security Director.

(left to right) Region 9 PSA Gen Tamura, Regional External Affairs Officer Sherri Eng, Regional Training and Exercise Coordinator Melynda Moran, PSA James Cruz and PSA Brian Keith held an tabletop exercise on how to respond to a drone incident at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport for more than 100 local, state and federal partners in Hawaii.


Building upon the solid foundation set by Honolulu-based PSAs James Cruz and Gen Tamura, and Cybersecurity Advisor Giovanni Williams, the visit proved to be fruitful as CISA continues to build relationships with its partners across the Pacific.