Active Shooter Emergency Action Plan Product Suite

Active Shooter Emergency Acton Plan (EAP) Trailer

The Active Shooter EAP Trailer previews key points discussed in the Active Shooter EAP video and combines state-of-threat awareness with state-of-practice solutions that will empower you to build resilience for your community, organization, family, and home.

Active Shooter EAP Video 

The Active Shooter EAP Video describes the fundamental concepts of developing an EAP for an active shooter scenario. This instructive video guides viewers through important considerations of EAP development utilizing the first-hand perspectives of active shooter survivors, first responder personnel, and other subject matter experts who share their unique insight.

Active Shooter EAP Guide

The Active Shooter EAP Guide supplements the Active Shooter EAP video. Together, they create a virtual training tool designed to help develop an organization’s Active Shooter EAP.

Active Shooter EAP Template

The Active Shooter EAP Template is a fillable form useful in documenting an organization’s Active Shooter EAP.