Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF)

The Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF) provides a process and series of resources for incorporating critical infrastructure resilience considerations into planning activities.
Revision Date

CISA developed the Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF) to provide an approach for localities, regions, and the private sector to work together to plan for the security and resilience of critical infrastructure services in the face of multiple threats and changes. The primary audience for the IRPF is state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and associated regional organizations; however, the IRPF can be flexibly used by any organization seeking to enhance their resilience planning. It provides resources for integrating critical infrastructure into planning as well as a framework for working regionally and across systems and jurisdictions.

This framework provides methods and resources to address critical infrastructure security and resilience through planning, by helping communities and regions:

  • Understand and communicate how infrastructure resilience contributes to community resilience
  • Identify how threats and hazards might impact the normal functioning of community infrastructure and delivery of services
  • Prepare governments, owners and operators to withstand and adapt to evolving threats and hazards
  • Integrate infrastructure security and resilience considerations, including the impacts of dependencies and cascading disruptions, into planning and investment decisions
  • Recover quickly from disruptions to the normal functioning of community and regional infrastructure