ISC Standard: Risk Management Process

This ISC Standard defines the criteria and processes facility security professionals should use in determining a facility's security level. This standard provides an integrated, single source of physical security countermeasures and guidance on countermeasure customization for all nonmilitary federal facilities.

The Risk Management Process Standard incorporates the following FOUO (For Official Use Only) appendices:

  • Appendix A: The Design-Basis Threat Report (FOUO)
  • Appendix B: Countermeasures (FOUO)
  • Appendix C: Child-Care Center Level of Protection Template (FOUO)

Users with a need-to-know may access these FOUO appendices. To request access, email with your full name and contact information, including email, agency name, and reason for access.

*Note: While the two documents listed below reference other FOUO products, they are not FOUO.