
Security Assessment at First Entry

The Security Assessment at First Entry (SAFE), is a stand-alone assessment, featuring standard language, high level vulnerabilities, and options for consideration. It is designed to assess current security posture and produce a report in under two hours.
Task type
Increase your resilience
Readiness Level


SAFE is a rapid physical security assessment that assists facility owners and operators in implementing effective security programs. Using SAFE, CISA Protective Security Advisors (PSA) provide a structured review of a facility’s existing security measures and delivers feedback on observed vulnerabilities and options for improving security.

Sign up for CISA's Physical Security Assessment through Your Regional Office. Request a SAFE assessment by reaching out to your local CISA field staff or emailing your regional office. 

Contact Your Regional Team


After completing the SAFE visit, the PSA delivers a short report containing:

  • A list of existing good practices to sustain: During the assessment, the PSA will make note of existing good practices that are effective and a stakeholder should continue doing.
  • A list of vulnerabilities and mitigation options for consideration: The PSA will note any areas that could benefit from additional security mitigation measures. For each identified vulnerability, the assessment will provide one or more mitigation options for owners and operators to consider. These options are purely voluntary, and each facility determines what actions to take given its unique considerations and operating constraints.
  • A list of important security points of contact: Who facility owners and operators can reach out to in order to improve a facility’s security posture and readiness.
  • Helpful links and references: Resources that provide more information about security options and ways to implement them.

Additional Information

Download a printer-friendly fact sheet for the Security Assessment at First Entry.

Contact Information

To learn more about SAFE assessments, please contact