Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are formal, written guidelines or instructions for incident response that typically have both operational and technical components. The resources provided in this section will guide you through how to build SOPs to help coordinate incident response.
Communications Interoperability Performance Measurement Guide (.pdf, 4.91 MB)
Addresses current performance measurement efforts and presents a step-by-step process to build a performance management framework, apply it, and use results to refine strategy.
OIC Data Messaging Standards Guide for Requests for Proposal (RFPs) (.pdf, 192.98 KB)
Developed by DHS with practitioner input, this guide is intended to assist procurement officials who develop RFPs for emergency response information technology systems.
Writing Guide for Standard Operating Guidelines (. pdf, 831.29 KB)
The SAFECOM Writing Guide for Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) serves as a resource to communities and jurisdictions developing SOGs or instructions for incident response. The document is intended to be utilized in the initial stages of developing or updating instructions for incident response and can be customized to the capability or resource for which they are established; officials should also consider the unique characteristics of participating jurisdictions.
A Practical Guide to Narrowbanding Template (.pdf, 98.57 KB)
The OEC Narrowbanding Guide provides best practices, helping emergency responders comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) narrowbanding mandate by laying out a step-by-step approach for narrowbanding communications equipment and licenses.
Creating a Charter for a Multi-Agency Communications Interoperability Committee: Template and Questions to Consider (.pdf, 766.44 KB)
Provides guidance for developing charter documents for multi-agency communications interoperability committees.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Package (.pdf, 692.24 KB)
The National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) Planning, Training, and Exercise (PTE) Committee developed an EMAC Package to share best practices and templates to support the public safety community when submitting communications-specific EMAC requests.
Regional Interoperable Communications Plan (RICP) Template (.pdf, 600.46 KB)
The RICP template assists States with regional strategic planning efforts by documenting strategies for achieving communications operability and interoperability.
For more resources visit SAFECOM Resources, SAFECOM Technology, or the SAFECOM homepage.