Secure Our World Translated Resources
Check out the Secure Our World tip sheets in multiple translations and share with your community.
Secure Our World is a program that offers resources and advice to stay safe online. Below are the Secure Our World tip sheets translated in various languages.
Please note: CISA recognizes that language is continually evolving, and that translated work may not fully capture all nuance. Although we have attempted to provide an accurate translation of the materials, the official definitive version is the original English text. We welcome your feedback at awarenesscampaigns@cisa.dhs.gov.
Watch animated videos about the four ways to stay safe online
Secure Our World Translated Tip Sheets
Find the tip sheets in your preferred language to learn more about the four ways to protect ourselves online:
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Arabic)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Chinese)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (French)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Haitian Creole)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Hindi)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Korean)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Punjabi)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Spanish)
Secure Our World Tip Sheets (Vietnamese)
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