Security and Resiliency Guide: Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Concepts, Common Goals, and Available Assistance
The Security and Resiliency Guide: Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Concepts, Common Goals, and Available Assistance (SRG C-IED) is intended to assist stakeholders to plan and implement C-IED activities within their overall public safety and emergency management approach. The SRG C-IED builds off foundational guidance by providing details specific to countering IEDs, including IED risk information and a series of common C-IED goals and associated tasks, derived from U.S. C-IED policy and input from subject matter experts. In general, entire communities, individual organizations, and specific facility owner/operators can strengthen security and resilience for IEDs by using this guide to:
- Understand the IED risk landscape in the U.S. and your locale, including the essential characteristics of IEDs and IED incidents;
- Apply common IED-specific security and resiliency goals and tasks designed to prevent incidents from occurring, protect people and infrastructure, and help respond and recover safely; and
- Leverage available U.S. Government programs to build and sustain preparedness, for example through technical assistance and grant programs in the areas of training, information sharing, planning, exercises, personnel, and equipment.

How to Use the Security and Resiliency Guide
Security and Resiliency Guide (SRG) and Annexes
Sports and Entertainment Venues Bombing Prevention Solutions Portfolio
Designed to be a one-stop-shop for countering the threat of explosives, the Solutions Portfolio can assist you and your teams in identifying and connecting to those resources that best meet your needs. This interactive product contains information on and direct access to OBP’s trainings, products, and resources tailored to the needs of organizations and venues of all types and sizes, ranging from large stadiums, casinos, and hotels, to smaller theatres, offices, and areas of public assembly.
Additional Information
The SRG C-IED, its annexes, and the Sports and Entertainment Venues Bombing Prevention Solutions Portfolio can help start or continue a conversation on bombing prevention between leadership, security managers, and staff, empowering all members of an organization to play a role in security. To engage CISA in a discussion on how to increase preparedness to prevent, mitigate, and respond to bombing incidents, please contact or to be connected to a local Protective Security Advisor (PSA).
Download the Security and Resiliency Guide Fact Sheet to learn more.