How Priority Telecommunications Services (PTS) Assist in Election Security

How Priority Telecommunications Services (PTS) Assist in Election Security
CISA's Emergency Communications Division leads the nation’s public safety, national security, and emergency preparedness communications efforts to keep America safe, secure, and resilient.
As our nation’s frontline defenders in securing the electoral process, election officials must have the ability to communicate quickly and efficiently. Priority in communications is crucial to continuity of operations when facing adverse conditions such as weather events, mass gatherings, cyber-attacks, or events arising from human error.
CISA offers three Priority Telecommunications Services (PTS) that enable essential personnel to communicate when networks are degraded or congested. We encourage state and local election officials, their staffs, and election vendors to subscribe to and use PTS.

WPS: Prioritizes your call when cellular networks are degraded or congested

- WPS is available on all nationwide networks and some regional networks.
- No special equipment is needed and there is no charge to enroll or use the service.
GETS: Prioritizes your call when landline networks are degraded or congested.

- GETS calls can be made from phones nationwide, including landline, mobile, and satellite phones.
- No special equipment is needed and there is no charge to enroll in or use the service.
TSP: Prioritizes installation and repair of critical data and voice communications circuits.

- TSP can be used in both non-emergency (e.g. Backhoe damages fiber optic cable) and emergency situations (e.g. Impacts from natural disasters).
- Enrolled organizations are subject to minimal TSP enrollment charges and monthly subscription fees.
Information and Registration
To learn more visit CISA Priority Services. To begin enrollment, visit Apply for PTS or contact the CISA Priority Telecommunications Service Center at (866) 627-2255 or email